Monday, March 17, 2008

Frequence Trois

Frequence Trois
I have tried three times to go the same doggone restaurant down the street from my house and it’s just not working. What to do? Try again, perhaps?

Today i don’t feel altogether hot. I had a few glasses of wine over the weekend, so maybe this is a delayed hangover, I dunno, all I know is that I’m not feeling so fresh or so clean, clean. I think maybe pulling 12-hour days twice last week at work was not the hottest idea I’ve ever had. I need to empower myself with taxi money and be out when it’s time to be out. On the reals.

And stay hydrated. And eat regularly instead of failing to eat for all twelve of those hours that I work. And go to bed at a reasonable hour since I wake up early so as to get into the office before the staff.

Oh, and I have to stop listening to the b.s. the docs are playing. All of these games! Who has the time? Life is too short and entirely too wide to have people playing games with your time. Appropriately, "Free My Mind" by Arrested Development (anyone remember them?) is playing on Frequence Trois, Radio Paris!!! I miss that city, Paris is a great city. I know no one likes the french police, but they are as susceptible to flirtation as anyone. Smiles and winks abound.

Now I’m on a mission to go to Turkey for the summer to see my homegirl get hitched. Oh, yeah, that’s why I might be hungover. I went to my cousin’s wedding this weekend. It’s was really fun and pleasant, only in part because a fair-sized chunk of my paternal family showed up (we don’t hang out much) and the crazy was up-front-and-center. There is the aunt who reminded me every time I talked to her that i was retarded and so were both of my parents (all love, all the tme), the uncle who is a preacher with 30 kids, all manner of parents who have gotten divorced but showed up in unity, bitter kids of aforementioned divorces etc. etc. etc. Great. And good cheese. What more can a girl ask for? And a scat of college and pro football players who were on their good behavior. The football wives sat behind me at the ceremony and they were a fresh riot. Loud! Precious, though. I do not envy those women. Big dudes...

As my cousin L.S. said, "wow, we’re a pretty family." my response, "yeah, pretty and crazy as hell. those are our calling cards.’ she looked shocked and I had to ask her if she could imagine how boring her life would be if she weren’t crazy as batshit? she allowed as she truly could not and my point was proven. crazy adds spice to life. and as with everything, moderation is important.

well, tomorrow i get my new slate of books. I’ve been on a buying spree, which is funny because i don’t have excess funding available to me, but well, i don’t really care either. I keep asking myself why I’m feeling so liberal when it’s obvious the country is in a recession and everything and all i can think of is "i’m alive. i’m healthy. i’m happy. i love my life. why not get the stuff i want and need?" so to that end, i’m ordering and buying books and trying absorb new ideas about my craft of writing and my vocation of medical practice management. it’s a fair spot of information between the two fields, nevermind the places where they overlap. *whew* this could be another part of the reason i’m exhausted. but really, i’m going to put a lot of that on the physician politicking and jockeying that has been going on. I find myself talking to myself (not unusual, but i tend to prefer lighter subject matter) as I debate what is happening around me.

It’s never good to feel as though everything is happening *to* you and I think I’m at that point. Which means I’ll be happening to some folks in the near future. i’ll keep ya’ll posted.

i need to update my netflix queue!

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