Monday, May 05, 2008

Won’t you come over love, so I can show you love?

Won’t you come over love, so I can show you love?
Bring it all to me...

Love that Estelle...Bring it all to meee - oooooh, ooooh, oooooh

My newest nefarious plan (heh heh heh) is to 1. attend my sister's graduation and spend a week sun n' funnin' it in Florida (hometown-ish!) and 2. To see Kanyizzle at Madison Square Garden.

For real, I gotta get on the stick on both plans. I can be so retard about things. That's the french pronounciation, btw, meaning slow. And I know i misspelled pronounciation, but i don't care.

Why Is Portishead's Three album hot as a cautery tool? I remember my first job in medicine, I worked at an orthopedics convention. The first couple of hours I wanted to throw up because there was a vendor across from me who played the same damn video of a knee replacement over and over and over. By lunchtime, though, I was immune to the grossness of blood and muscle and tissue and I rather thought the knee, skin pulled back, looked like a hot steamy slice of pizza. Things change pretty quickly.

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