Live from Somewhere!!!!
(big sigh). I'm here. Somewhere. On vacation. It's perfect. It's great. I'm relieved. I'm having a good time and I'm not bleeding from anywhere I don't expect to be bleeding from.
The air is soft, so soft, it's a lover's kiss all day long. And the sun is so wonderful and warm and welcoming. I did manage to get a sunburn today, but I was outside all day long, wandering around, hitting golfballs, chirping at birds, being thoroughly silly. It was wonderful.
Now I'm back at the place where I sleep and I'm quite sleepy, but I have NEW TECHNOLOGY so I'm up anyway, burning the midnight oil trying to figure out how to get my pics off of the new camera and onto my laptop so they can be sent to other people. I broke down and bought my 3rd new digitral camera. This is major and involves me admitting I will never find the 2nd new digital camera, which was lost in the last move and will never repair the 1st new digital camera, which was my favorite, since it got heat stroke in an unnamed Caribbean island or something like that.
the new camera is fresh. My sideview mirror pic shows the new camera about 2 hours after it was purchased. it's part of the family.
I have a new obsession: Sharks. I just love Shark week on Discovery Channel. I've watched all manner of marine biologists learn to send sharks (even great whites! I've renamed them White Bellies, I'm convinced they are just misunderstood!) into catatonic states of peaceful restfulness by rubbing their snouts. I don't really care too much about the disclaimers, i want to jump in a cage out in the Pacific (it's only a few meters away at that) and start rubbing snouts. That swimming with Dolphins is for wusses, i wanna swim with sharks in the worst way.
I can't this trip, though, I'm bleeding and i think that would cancel all the goodwill my many-toothed friends might have. I'm thinking of Dory with a nosebleed in Finding Nemo here. And i don't move that fast even on a good day.
I did have a moment of chagrin with Discovery channel because they kept showing dangerous shark-interaction behavior and never showed anyone getting their bodies torn apart. They intimated it would happen, but they never came through on the promise. Well, finally late last night they showed someone - one of their hosts - getting his leg torn asunder by a 'playful' shark. It 'playfully' took a nip at his very well-developed calf (apparently sharks are like horses and donkeys, they play with their teeth and they play hard) and once Tiburon (my nickname for Sharks of note) ripped a bit of the flesh and drew blood, it was on and poppin'.
The guy, a host for some Shark documentary who was super cool even at that point, got whipped around a bit on camera (many bubbles) and described how he had to lift up his leg to get it out of Tiburon's mouth. Then, they gave me the money shot. They showed the poor guy getting carried out of the water with shreds of flesh hanging where his knee, calf and achilles tendon used to be. When I say shreds, i want the reader of this humble blog to envision strings of flesh - say something like those beaded curtains that were so popular in the 70s. Tatters of flesh. Blood everywhere.
It was amazing. I appreciated the honesty of the coverage.
Well, I don't have any juicy gossip or news to share. I'm alive and thankful of it. Gonna turn on the tv and see if any more shark week coverage exists seeing as it's late Sunday night.
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