Thursday, February 28, 2008

The closest a girl can get...

to having a penis. No, really. I think I've achieved it...i was looking at how I refer to my leetle friend the ostomy and it's as though it's a part of me, yet separate from me. We eat together, we live together, yet technically it's a part of my body, just not a part I actually would see on a normal-non-life-threatening basis.

And so, I think it's like a penis! Yeah, guys talk about their penises in third person, they refer to doing things with it, etc. etc. Same language and I imagine same experience. Very cool.

Life is bumping along. I went into the office this morning, nothing too interesting there. Still reading Good to Great in fits and starts. Classes are ramping up, I'm definately getting my money's worth out of both. I feel incredibly boring right now. Perhaps I could make good use of a nap...

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