Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fool People With Your Culinary Geekdom!

I spent the early part of my day reconfiguring a wireless network. Last week I bought a MIA Grill ( or and today it was put to use.

I have made a crucial decision in my life: I cannot cook. I've no real abiding interest in cooking. However, I love great food in moderation and the tastier the meal, the more moderate I eat. Well, this MIA Grill is my brand new love. Love. Love Love. I didn't even use it myself, it was used in a household where I'm staying and I love it.

I have now decided that technology can make up for any natural deficiencies I may have. My body goes haywire, technology, robotics, and an extremely skilled group of surgeons can fix me. I can't cook - I buy things that cook for me. I hate shopping - and god created paypal....

Still, I refuse to go over to the darkside and download Internet Explorer just so I can post pics on this myspace blog. Instead, I downloaded Netscape and hoped for the best. The best did not happen.

Remember kids, it's not what you don't have to work with, it's all about what you're willing to find to make yourself successful.

Beer Chicken to You All!

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