Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mourning a Noble Sound

Ah, who gives a flip what the category for this blog was? I was thinking of removing my last post because I was angry when i wrote it, but in reading it over I don't see anything too bad in there. I didn't add "frog" to anyone's name and I have no need to do so.

I'm wearing the cutest little red armband that will help the people in the O.R. match my bloodtype should I have occasion to need a transfusion while on the table. It's a very long process getting your pre-operation legwork done. You have to see the docs - the colo-rectal guy let me keeep my pants on - SHOUTOUT TO THE COLO-RECTAL DOC!

I worried myself sick the night before not so much about the money, I'm resourceful and it's time for surgery, sticky relationship politics notwithstanding - but about whether I would face yet another signmoidoscopy.

If you don't know what a signmoidoscopy is you are probably under 75 and have a healthy colon. Lucky You. I've had 4 or 5 in my lifetime thus far. I didn't think much of the first one going in - you get undressed in a little cubicle and put on a paper bag slit up the back and little sockies. But the techh, who was the soul of compassion, asked 22-year-old me what I was there for and I replied accurately 'I dunno, they said they felt something...but I'm sure it's nothing."

Says the tech, "People don't come up here for nothing." That may have been misplaced professional pride, but the visit went downhill from there. It was such a complete violation, it was the perfect complement to the prep required the night before which was heavy on Magnesium Citrate. Yeah, if you know what that is you're probably ROLLING right now.

Go ahead friendly reader, roll to the drugstore and get yourself some Mag Citrate and suck on it for a little while. Rip me an email once you figure out what it does and how it goes about doing it. Rip *hahahahahahahahah* It comes in cherry flavor.

I'm warbling along with chanteuse of the moment Amy Winehouse. I have another voice I'm falling in love with - Philippia. I'm so glad to have heard and seen her before the changes I'm about to go through. She's one of my friends, find her and check out the music.

My mom comes in tonight for a two-week stay. Funny, I dont think I could get her to take a two-week vacation without me staying in the hospital for a week. it takes all kinds. Me and my papa partied and danced and sang and talked and loved each other and a whole room of people thursday night. I got shitfaced. Well, not quite, i don't even know if I'm able to get shitfaced, but i did get slurring intoxicated, which seems to be my limit psychologically and physiologically. Me slurring over something that is not dispensed at a pharmacy is kind of new and interesting. But I felt safe, I had my team K, N, J, and Papa and feeling safe is everything.

This hopefully won't be my last output before I go Demoral for a couple of weeks. I have more to say, but, mom is coming, i gotta clean the house!

Wish me luck (on the house and the surgery).


"You have to be willing to accept that pain is a part of the process."

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