Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What’s a Nice Boy Like You Doing in a Place like this?

Watching Belle Epoque featuring a very juevenile looking Penelope Cruz. It's a wonderful movie, exactly what I have been looking for. A fantastic foreign film with quirky characters, plenty of women-tude, happiness and laughter and love and LIFE in extreme...

Right now the fantastic mother of the four girls who have been passing our protagonist around like a set of hair curlers is signing a glorious operetta in the front yard of the country house, to her thoroughly besotted husband and children.

The Mom looks like a white Celia Cruz..

I just realized one of my friends is a Scorpio. I don't know why I didn't pay attention to the many messages exchanged where he sang the praises of us Scorps...I just thought it was a strange fixation. I NEVER hang out with other scorpios, it gets too strange too fast. we are one weird group of people. Fast on our heels are virgos, geminis and maybe aquarians...maybe. Aquarians are just cerebral and I had a bad experience with one, but you can't judge an entire star sign by one person.

They are Free LOVING IT up in this movie...I LOVE IT!!!

Okay, back to cinema espanol.


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