Monday, January 21, 2008

It’s always dangerous

when everybody's sleeping and i've been thinking ~ Amy Winehouse

it's on right now and purrfectly fits my mood. I'm rather jubilant this morning, I'm at my house, planning to put all my stuff for goodwill or salvation army in the trash (in protective bags) cause it's cluttered my life for too long and no one is going to to move it if I don't - and I can't drive. :)

my homie jar is off entangling with some new lass, my girl prayer is out of pocket...change is happening. that is the interesting thing about winter - despite the appearance of death on the surface of the earth, there is all kinds of change, rebirth, and reconstruction beneath the surface. people do some major changing in winter but no one finds out for a few seasons, maybe a few years (same as seasons).

Oh dear. The NYtimes has a feature on "inside the ceremony for female circumcision." Can I ask why they wait until girls are older instead of doing it at birth, if it's going to be done at all? And the methods...well, if anyone else read Possessing the Secret of Joy and the stuff that came out around that time - broken shards of glass, high infection rates, seriously sickening business.

Now this is an interesting article:
"Trading up" talking about masstige (mass prestige) or the trend of consumers to spend craploads of money on stuff they can get on the cheap just for the brand or label. Ah, but the economy is not so certain and the stock market is looking a little funny and consumer confidence is just not what it was since real estate bubbles have been bursting right, left and center. it's not a terrible thing, it's just you can't build an economy on credit and war.

(the writer lapses into her favorite fantasy, to be loaded with crown sterling, still american and on a private plane ride to dubai...)

anywho, that's my morning review. i think i'll take a nap now.

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