Thursday, January 03, 2008

I don’t want to write today

I have this cramp in my lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Probably my period. I just did my first *official* bag change as a colostomate (for life dammit!) I told you guys I was in the hospital, I had an emergency surgery, my granmda was with me - I may nothave mentioned that Kimmie, my little sister Caitlin, and Corny & of course the visigoth - stayed with me for some time too. Kimmie and Caitlin went out for acupuncture and "therapeutic" shopping. I coulda used some of that therapy and plan to engage in the online version as soon as I have a little breakfast (food will keep me away from, miu miu, Louis Vuitton and other things unaffordable and stupid).

oh right. did i tell Why i was in the hospital? I was getting a colostomy. Hurrah! I had an ileostomy before and they took it away and I suffered mightily and thought about killing myself if I wasn't going to die from the pain and illness of it quickly enough. And then day after Christmas I took a visit to the doctor and Two days after christmas I listened as they played Chingie in the operating room until my surgeon came in - sat down and gossiped with the OR staff and I fell asleep. I woke up with a portion of my large intestine encased in plastic outside of my abdomin - howze that for a fashion statement?

You cannot EVER afford a poor surgeon. Poorly trained, too young, stupid, egomaniacal - that person is not the person you want slicin' and dicin' you under any circumstances. Doctors learn what to say, but it's what they don't say that is often most important. Surgery is not a matter of price, it's a matter of value. You CAN get excellent work for affordable price but don't ever PUT your life on the line. When your life IS on the line, you often don't get choices (emergency room, helivac - you get whoever is on call be it the dunderhead or the wunderdoc) but regardless of whether you're having elective or emergency, ask for the best you can get. Demand it. Don't be an asshole or you will only get an asshole (generalization, I know great docs with wonderful personalities who get asshole patients, but they mellow them out or the patients move on...really)

Well, it's nearly time for breakfast and shopping. Gotta buy grandma a white coat, the Visigoth a black coat and the Camille things that will make her is a start.


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